
I’ve MOVED!  Please come check out my new site! See you there!  ~Toni

Honest TRUTH about Shakeology

Special Announcement!

21 Day Fix Fit Family Test Group

You ARE Worth it!

Arms & Shoulders Workout

Last week on SALE!!! BONUS GIFT!!

Last week to get 21 day fix challenge pack on sale!!! Challenge pack includes the program, all containers, all workout dvd’s, month supply of Shakeology, month long free club membership, free one-on-one coaching, free access to challenge/support group, and you can also get into the Beachbody business/discount program for FREE with purchase of the challenge pack.
Challenge pack is $140.00

BONUS: When you buy the Challenge pack & refer a friend (and they buy a challenge pack) you get a FREE COPY OF BEST SELLING COOKBOOK FIXATE! MUST BE DONE ON OR BEFORE MIDNIGHT 1/26/16

👉👉This is the link to order the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack on promotion:
If you have been slacking on your New Years Resolution or want to start, this is the perfect time!!
If you are intentional with your program you can lose 10-15 pounds in the 21 Days!!!! Perfect to get ready for wedding, photos, reunion, party, or to lose some baby weight or break into fitness!!!!
MESSAGE me asap to get info for the program, and discounts. SIGN UP NOW TO GET A SPOT SAVED FOR YOU IN February Challenge Groups!!!
This is the link to order the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack on promotion:

Or if you are ready to for the 21 day fix EXTREME this is the link to order!https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/BCP21E160…

Message, comment or email me:

Meal Planning 1/1-1/14


This is pretty much how I feel when I have to start meal planning!  It isn’t easy to please everyone in the family, eat healthy and stay on budget.  


As you know I like to plan out my meals to not only make the process of knowing what is for dinner easier, but it also helps me to stay on a budget!  We already spend WAY more than I would like for our family of 7.  We don’t each much “junk” food or processed foods, unfortunately those are usually the items that have coupons!  I usually shop every 2 weeks (payday).  Some times I try to go every week, but that doesn’t always work.  In the summer months that worked out great because the extra produce I would buy I could store in the garage refrigerator, but now that it is winter the food freezes out there.  Trust me, frozen romaine lettuce doesn’t make a great salad!  So I have been buying more frozen fruits and vegetables since I can’t store them out there.  I think fresh is always the best route, but I know that isn’t always possible due to seasons or budget.  So, if you can’t buy fresh produce then opt for frozen, and lastly canned.  I say to have canned as a last option only because of all the sodium that is in most canned vegetables or the sugary syrup that is added to fruits.

So how to I go about making my menu and shopping list?  I start by grabbing my Weekly Menu planner sheets and my Shopping list sheets. On the weekly menu planner I write the date at the top of each day.  On each day I write B, S, L, S, D, S (Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack), since I usually eat 6 small meals a day.  I will check the weekly ads for the stores that I shop. Every time I go shopping I stop at these three store: Sprouts, King Soopers, and Costco.  It makes for a very long day, since I usually have all 5 kids with me!  At least the older 3 are great helpers and they get to learn about price comparing and using their math skills in action!   I will see which produce or meat items are on sale at each store.  I have found that the skinless boneless chicken breast has been cheaper at Sprouts lately…I used to always buy it at Costco.  I have a habit of buying pretty much the same items every 2 weeks.  So I get very familiar with the prices from each store.  Just a quick reminder that for the healthiest foods, stick to foods on the perimeter of the store…items that are down the isles are usually all processed things!

When planning my meals, I turn to my favorite cookbook, the Fixate  (you can order yours with the link provided) cookbook, my blog for past ideas, and pinterest!  You can follow me on pinterest for ideas as well!  On my weekly menu sheet I know that each day I will have a Shakeology, that is usually my morning snack.  Breakfast is usually Overnight Steel Cut Oats of some sort or scrambled eggs with veggies!  I try to make enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch the following day.  I plan my dinners according to what is on sale.  For my afternoon snack, I usually have some nuts and veggies or sorts.  The last snack of the day is Greek yogurt with a chopped apple and cinnamon…most nights!  It helps to keep me full during the night since I am still nursing!


So here is what is on our menu for the next 2 weeks.


Overnight Steel Cut Oats (I have 3 different recipes, let me know which one you like best!) Banana Nut, Strawberry Cream, or Peaches n Cream.  I also like it with just a cut up apple.

Strawberry Protein Pancake Rollups with yogurt filling

Protein Waffles

Scrambled Eggs with Veggies

Coffee…if you know me I have to have my morning coffee!



Greek Yogurt with Chopped Apple

Carrots with Nuts

Cucumbers with Hummus


Leftovers from the night before, I know pretty easy!  Some days I make the kids a green smoothie too.


Chicken Broccoli Bake

Pesto Baked Chicken with Gluten-free Pasta

Cafe Rio Sweet Pork with Rice (not 21 day fix approved, but I am working on adjusting it)

Bacon Cheeseburgers with Sweet Potato Fries

Butternut Squash Casserole

Un-Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Chile Chicken Tortillas

Steak Fajitas

Orange Chicken

Butternut Squash Soup with Grilled Chicken Breast

Creamy Chicken Salad with Rice

Steak Salad

Caprese Chicken with Gluten-free Pasta



If you are interested in joining my latest Challenge group, please register here!





21 Days to Break a Habit Challenge Group

It has been awhile since I posted.  This fall has been a bit crazy.  I am still trying to recover from having my varicose vein surgery.  I had no idea it would still hurt like this after 2 months!  It helps to keep wearing my compression socks…I am hoping that by summer I don’t have to wear it anymore!  Who wants to wear these lovely things in the heat of the summer, especially after going through surgery?  Not this girl!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  We had a wonderful time here.  The kids and I took a break from out regular school schedule and did a unit study on Christmas.  We also spend time making Christmas cookies and crafts!  (Of course, I ate way to many cookies!)

I am excited to start the New Year and get back on track with my Clean Eating and workouts!  I will be starting a new challenge group January 4th!  It is open to anyone!  I just ask that if you are a coach, that you do not try to sell to anyone!  I want to help keep each other accountable and on track!  I know it is easy to start off the year with great ambitions to eat healthy & workout, but unfortunately not many stick with it long term.  I want to help you break that habit!



You’ve heard about it, you’ve seen the results, and guess what? now it’s YOUR TURN!!

Yes, everyone will be starting the program at the same time and learn about clean eating and portion control together!

PLEASE send me a FB friend request so we can communicatewww.facebook.com/toni.stoothoff

What is it? 21 days of balanced, portioned, clean eating nutrition including shakeology and amazing 30 minute workouts to help you lose up to 15 pounds in just 21 DAYS!

Here is what you are committing to:

**Starting the use of the 21 day program
**Use of the meal plan and containers
**21 days of clean eating & exercise
**Shakeology once a day (not required but highly recommended to achieve maximum results)

This is open to ANYONE!!! Do you HAVE to do the 21 day fix? Nope! But if you want to here is how you can get started! No purchase necessary!

See below for the transformation contest!

This is what you do:

1st – sign up for free with me as your coach: https://teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=630590
(If I am already your coach you can skip this step)

2nd – You purchase the 21 Day Fix challenge pack (workout with shakeology) or the 21 day fix alone if you have shakeology

21 day fix alone – http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/21DayFix?referringRepId=630590

If you want to try the 21 Day Fix Extreme challenge pack you can get the challenge pack here:

21 Day Fix Extreme alone – http://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/21DFEXTREME?referringRepId=630590

Here is what will happen:

You will lose weight. You will exceed your goals. You will stick to this.

Each workout is 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week. The unique nutrition plan uses specifically portioned food storage containers that eliminate the guesswork from portion control – no weighing, measuring, or counting calories, carbs or points. If it fits in the container, you can eat it, and you’ll lose weight. When eaten in the right quantities, there are no foods that are off limits. How awesome is that!


1 – I would love to be your coach! (join free to make me your coach athttps://teambeachbody.com/signup/-/signup/free?referringRepId=630590

2 – Shakeology!!! we want results and we want them fast in a healthy way. That’s why shakeology is needed!!! It will be your healthiest meal of the day, If you choose not to that is up to you.

3 – You must commit to following the plan for 21 days (YES only 21 days, you can do this!!) Or doing an exercise and nurtition plan for 21 days, must let me know what you are doing.

4. Commit to being active in the Challenge group! Check in daily!

5. Take you measurements and photos at the begining and end of the challenge.

6. At the end of the challenge, tell me how you have changed in the 21 days. I will be giving a prize to the person with the greatest transformation!

***To enter the transformation contest part of the group:
1. Submit your before and after pictures to me. (I will not be sharing with anyone.)

2. Take before and after weight and measurements. I will be giving you a tracking sheet for measurements in the group.

3. Tell me how this 21 days has changed your life and what program you followed!

Let’s have a great start to 2016!

If you are ready to get started, click on my facebook event and click “going”  I will then add you to the private challenge group!

Happy & Healthy New Year!